Thursday, December 5, 2019

Self Evaluation for Multiple Intelligences

Question: Discuss about theSelf Evaluation for Multiple Intelligences Test. Answer: Self assessment or self evaluation is essentially a psychological term that is particularly subsumed within the domain of social psychology. Self-assessment means to evaluate the aspects and the criteria that critically define ones identity. In certain situations, it is important to assess the self so as to gain a deeper insight about onself. It calls for self-assessment in several conditions for instance while rebooting self-confidence, looking for motivation etc (Druskat, Mount and Sala 2013). Self-assessment helps an individual to identify the key strengths and weakness and the corresponding impacts on the social and personal being (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). My assessment By conducting the Howard Gardeners basic Multiple Intelligences Test and Daniel Golemans EQ Instrument test, I have noticed that my key strength lies in intrapersonal and musical skills. I have tested different factors through the Howard Gardeners basic Multiple Intelligences Test and Daniel Golemans EQ Instrument. Some of the factors that I have noticed about myself through this test are Linguistic control, logical-mathematical concept, visual-spatial analysis, interpersonal skills, bodily-kinesthetic strength and naturalistic approach. I have noticed that I do not have any linguistic skills. According to the test, the linguistic skills are zero percent. In terms of logical and mathematical skill, I have scored thirty-eight percent in the test that implies that I have minimum mathematical and logical skill. Apart from the linguistic skill there is another skill that I need to improvise that is the naturalistic approach. I need to be more naturalistic. Therefore, this is another area where I need improvement. In terms of visual and spatial skills, I do not have much score in this section, which refers to the fact that I do not have expertise to distinguish between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional images. I have average bodily kinesthetic skills that are about fifty-eight percent. In this context, I feel that a little work upon this particular section would show good results. Bodily kinesthetic skills refer to the coordination of hands with the mind. In simpler term, it refers to the gross motor skills that any individual posses. However, from the test taken I have seen that not in any parameter I have scored a hundred percent. In the linguistic section is have grossly failed and scored a zero percent though. Taking into consideration the report of the Howard Gardeners basic Multiple Intelligences Test and Daniel Golemans EQ Instrument that I gave to my brother and my best friend, it was found according to their assessment report that I have strong linguistic skills. The second best skill that I possess according to the Howard Gardeners basic Multiple Intelligences Test and Daniel Golemans EQ Instrument test is her naturalistic approach. Naturalistic intelligence refers to the art of loving the ascent creatures of nature like plants, greenery, animal life, mountains, water bodies, aquatic animals etc. having a deep naturalistic skill enables her with the quality to love nature and feel with nature. According to the survey done by my friend, it was found that their perception about my musical skills and interpersonal skills are relatively low. That suggests that I am a person who is usually introvert in nature. As per their view, I am not quite comfortable with people at the first instance and prefer to remain aloof in my own company. They are of the view that I am full of contradictions because I am both inclined towards nature as well as I have strong naturalistic intelligence. According to her view, my visual-spatial score is seventy five percent, which is not that bad. Based on her assessment of me it can be said that I am able to visualize the scene through hearing the words. She believes that I have the ability to describe the relevant imagery associated with the words or the phrases that she hears. She indicates that I have strong imaginative powers. I gave the link of the test to my brother to provide his assessment about myself. The test taken by my brother about me has led to moderate results. As per the assessment of my brother, I possess extremely strong or extremely low skills. All of the skills are in moderation according to the Howard Gardeners basic Multiple Intelligences Test and Daniel Golemans EQ Instrument test (Sadri 2012). My friend is of the view that my linguistic skills are fifty eight percent. I possess highest percentage in bodily kinesthetic skills, an exact of sixty seven percent which indicates the fact that he runs no less in gross motor skills and thus, has good coordination of hands and legs with mind. According to my friend, my logical mathematical percentage has stood up to fifty percent that underscore that I am moderately reasonable in mathematics and in the analyzing of logical reasoning. My visual spatial percentage is extremely low, that is seventeen percent that indicates that I generally do not remember people by their names or by their looks. I have a tendency to forget. I do not possess a good memory power. I tend to forget things easily. My friend is of the opinion that my intra personal skill is thirty-eight percent that again refers to the fact that I prefer spending more time with himself rather than with friends and family. At the same time it denotes that I love my own company more than being with known people. The same is reflected in my interpersonal skill that is twenty percent. It coordinates with the test results of intrapersonal skills that is more in percentage than interpersonal skills. Considering the musical and the naturalistic approach, I have seen that I have scored a thirty-one percent in musical skill and according to the assessment of my friend it is fifty percent in naturalistic skill. This refers to the fact that neither I have the necessary musical skill nor I have the skill to appreciate nature and natural aspects. Thus it can be said that mostl y all of the domain that come under the Howard Gardeners basic Multiple Intelligences Test and Daniel Golemans EQ Instrument test has shown less percentage. Comparing my own records with the assessment of my friend, I can say that while I have zero linguistic skill according to my assessment, my friend feels that I have hundred percent linguistic skill that implies that in their views I have more knowledge of language . I scored medium low in logical mathematics whereas according to the assessment of my friend I scored a lot more in that area, I am thus the lowest scorer in this field. I am the lowest scorer in visual spatial parameter and my friend and my brother has scored more me more in that section. However, in the context of intrapersonal skill my test score ensues that I am the leading scorer in this field. This is in contrast to the score given to me by my brother and my friend. Conclusion It can thus be concluded that the Howard Gardeners basic Multiple Intelligences Test and Daniel Golemans EQ Instrument is a very useful test that makes a very articulate analysis of each individual. The test when conducted on myself, my friend and my brother has helped to show that how and in what respect both of them differs from me. According to the test made linguistic issue can be solved by reading more books. Logical mathematical segment can be improved by engaging into more reasoning exercises like quizzes, visual spatial and intrapersonal skills can be improved by playing more memory games and talking to self before mirror. Interpersonal skills and musical skills can be upgraded by making get together with friends and participating in concerts. Bodily kinesthetic skills while can be improved by playing outdoor games, naturalistic skills can be improved by reading poems, pastoral stories, visiting hill stations ad exploring nature. Bibliography Druskat, V.U., Mount, G. and Sala, F., 2013.Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research evidence with individuals and groups. Psychology Press. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E. and McKee, A., 2013.Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Sadri, G., 2012. Emotional intelligence and leadership development.Public Personnel Management,41(3), pp.535-548.

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